“Promoting Youth Engagement in Development through the use of ICT” project (PYD_ICT)

This project aims to promote the use of ICT to young people and councilors through workshops, training sessions and social media. It is funded by the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), and implemented by Open Institute and its partners, Khmer Youth for Social Development (KYSD), and People Health Development Association (PHD). Voice of Democracy (VOD) and the National League of Commune/Sangkat (NLC/S) are project's cooperative institutions. From July 2013 to October 2014 the project endeavors to develop the capacity of young people and commune councilors to access and share information and promote social dialogue, thus improving their knowledge of, and participation in democracy. The three main components of the project are: 1) training on good governance, access to information, development/democracy, and how ICT is used to promote communication, 2) Dialogue on Democracy enabling young people and councilors to collaborate through forums, debates and seminars, 3) the Democracy information campaign, whereby target groups will be encouraged to share information on democracy through websites, social media, mailing lists, video clips etc.

The participating groups include university students and commune councilors. There are branches in the Phnom Penh , Battambang , Siem Reap , and Kandal provinces; and there are also more youth club members in the Kompong Chhnang and Kratie provinces. The young people are involved in training, dialogue, debates, Barcamps, campaigns and social networking. Sangkat/commune councilors are from all 9 districts in the Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kandal provinces. Planning and consultation with the partners will determine which specific Commune/Sangkat will form part of the project by focusing on the density of the population. The target councilors will also be involved in training on ICT and access to information, in dialogue and debate.

The workshop at a glance- Increasing youth awareness of road safety through the use of ICT, at Open Institute office. Date: November 13, 2013

The partners and their geographical locations are as follows: 1) (VOD)- 13 provinces – Kandal, Phnom Penh, Kompong Speu, Takeo, Preach Vihear, Prey Veng, Bantey Meanchey, Siem Reap, Kompong Chhnang, Kompong Thom, Pursat, Battambang, Oudor Meanchey, 2) (OI) Phnom Penh and the project partners’ area, 3) (PHD) Battambang. Siem Reap, Bantey Meanchey, 4) (KYSD) Kampong Chhang, Kampong Speu, Kratie and Phnom Penh. Some of the project activities will be implemented in the same provinces and municipality, but in different districts and communes.

Main Program Activities

  1.     Conduct 2 training courses to its partners on “Introduction to Democracy” and “Access to Information”.
  2.     Conduct 2 training courses on “Social Accountability” and “Citizen Journalist”, and ICT training.
  3.     Conduct 2 training courses on “ICT and the Role of Youth in Promoting Democracy” in Phnom Penh.
  4.     Conduct 2 training courses on “Access to Information and ICT”. This will be conducted by PHD in the Siem Reap and Battambang provinces.
  5.     The Barcamp in Banteay Meachey province, organized by OI.
  6.     Date: December 20, 2103
  7.     Conduct 2 workshops in Phnom Penh on specific topics co-organized by OI and its partners. A video of the forum will uploaded into the web sites.
  8.     Conduct 3 awareness raising workshops on ICT and the roles of youth in promoting democracy in 3 provinces.
  9.     PHD will conduct 2 workshops on specific topics in the Siem Reap and Battambang provinces.
  10.     Organize one TV student debate. Topic will be identified by target group.
  11.     Conduct 22 radio talk shows on democracy, human rights, good governance, etc.
  12.     Organize a social media campaign and Facebook account, produce a blog competition in joint activity and separately.
  13.     Youth support campaign organized by KYSD.
  14.     One video competition event organized by PHD together with OI, VOD, KYSD.
  15.     Two Barcamps organized by OI and its partners.
  16.     Monitoring and Evaluation: quarterly, each semester, and at the end of the project.

Project's contact :

  1. Ms. Sok Sokunthea, Project Manager
    Email:s.sokunthea18@gmail.com ( sokuntheasok@open.org.kh)
    Mobile number: 095 222 921
  2. Mr. Cheng Panha, Project Assistant
    Email: cheng.panha@open.org.com
    Mobile: 089 472181
  3. Mr. Beth Borin, Communication Officer
    Email: borovin38@gmail.com, borin@open.org.kh
    Mobile:086 235352